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  Clerk Kim Davis switching parties to become a Republican
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Sep 25, 2015 05:41pm
News DateSep 25, 2015 05:40pm
DescriptionLOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, a longtime Democrat, says she is switching to the Republican Party because she feels abandoned by Democrats in her fight against same-sex marriage.

Davis made the announcement while in Washington, D.C., to attend the Family Research Council's Value Voters Summit, said Charla Bansley, a spokeswoman for Liberty Counsel, which represents Davis in her legal battles.

"I've always been a Democrat, but the party left me," Davis said, according to Bansley.

Davis wasn't immediately available for an interview but will address the conservative group Friday night.

Davis sparked a national firestorm by refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court effectively legalized gay marriage in June. Davis was ordered by a federal judge to issue the licenses but refused, and spent five days in jail for continuing to defy the order, propelling her to folk hero status among some on the religious right.

Republicans, not Democrats, came to Davis' defense.
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