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  Kim Davis Held In Contempt Of Court, Now In U.S. Marshals’ Custody
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Last EditedRP  Sep 03, 2015 01:24pm
CategoryLegal Ruling
News DateSep 03, 2015 12:10pm
DescriptionFederal District Judge David Bunning held Kim Davis, the county clerk who has become a national symbol of anti-gay animus for her resistance to marriage equality, in contempt of court on Thursday. According to Dan Griffin, a reporter for local news station WSAZ, she was led out by U.S. Marshals. The judge reportedly said that financial sanctions were not enough to ensure her compliance with the law.

Davis says that she is “prepared to go to jail” in order to maintain her stand against the Constitution, and that she believes that she is “a vessel God has chosen for this time and this place.” She also claims that “this is a heaven or hell issue for me and for every other Christian that believes,” so it is unclear what sanction Bunning could impose on her — short of a legally controversial move such as removing her from office — that would cause her to comply with the law.

It is worth noting, however, that the county’s judge executive may issue marriage licenses “in the absence of the county clerk, or during a vacancy in the office.” So if Davis is absent from her position because she has been jailed, couples in her county will once again be able to obtain marriage licenses.
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