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  Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announces White House bid
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Last EditedIndyGeorgia  May 05, 2015 01:24pm
News DateMay 05, 2015 01:00pm
DescriptionFormer Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announced his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination Tuesday morning.

Huckabee, who is popular with the religious right, shared the news of his candidacy with supporters at Hempstead Hall in his hometown of Hope, 113 miles southwest of Little Rock.

“I was raised to believe that where a person started doesn’t mean that’s where he has to stop,” he said. “I always believed that a kid could go from Hope to higher ground.”

Huckabee, 59, a former Baptist pastor, hit the national stage when he won the Iowa caucuses by rousing the state’s Christian communities during his run for the GOP’s 2008 nomination.

In Hope, he said, he learned how to use firearms and fishing poles, the importance of religion and the value of honesty.

“I learned the difference between right and wrong. And I learned that God loves me as much as he loves anyone, but that he doesn’t love some more than others,” Huckabee said.

The Republican politician criticized President Barack Obama for — as he sees it — not following through on his speeches about hope and change.

“Eight years later our debt has more than doubled, America’s leadership in the world has completely evaporated and the country is more polarized than ever in my lifetime,” he said.

Huckabee said Americans should get on their knees every night and pray that they live in a country that people are trying to enter rather than escape.
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