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  Arizona Lawmaker Rages Against 'De Fuhrer' Obama In Angry Facebook Post
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Last EditedRBH  Oct 07, 2013 02:39pm
News DateOct 07, 2013 04:00pm

In an angry Facebook post Monday, Arizona state Rep. Brenda Barton (R) likened President Barack Obama to Adolph Hitler for having National Parks Service officers close monuments during the government shutdown.

"Someone is paying the National Park Service thugs overtime for their efforts to carry out the order of De Fuhrer... where are our Constitutional Sheriffs who can revoke the Park Service Rangers authority to arrest??? Do we have any Sheriffs with a pair?" Barton wrote.

Barton's post was a reference to the title used by Hitler, which was actually, der fuhrer, or "the leader" in German.

Just before she compared Obama to the Nazi dictator, Barton wrote a pair of Facebook posts criticizing the President's behavior during the shutdown. She said she was "FURIOUS" about the closure of the memorials in Washington, D.C., accused Obama of holding the country "in contempt," and accused the president of maintaining his "excessive staff" while punishing Americans.

"While the POTUS continues to punish the American people; he keeps open his golf course, he keeps open Camp David, and he retains his and his wife's excessive staff and stable of Czars! I'll bet he has kept in service his 3 food tasters!!!" wrote Barton.
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