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  [AZ] State representative’s recovery expected to be slow and long
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Last EditedRBH  Sep 26, 2013 08:48am
News DateSep 25, 2013 02:00am
DescriptionArizona state legislator Doris Goodale, who represents Mohave County, remains at a Las Vegas hospital with a good chance for a full recovery.

Goodale, 64, of Kingman, remained in critical condition in a Las Vegas hospital as of Tuesday afternoon but doctors expect a full recovery. A blood clot formed in her neck but the good news is that an MRI showed that there was little brain damage, her twin sister Diane Walkup said.

Goodale suffered a stroke Sunday night and was flown to a Las Vegas hospital. Doctors planned to wean her off the ventilator and medication Tuesday then do another magnetic resonance imaging before deciding on surgery or further medication. Goodale is not out of the woods but doctors expect a full recovery, Walkup said. However, her recovery will be a long process, her sister added.

Whether Goodale keeps her seat in the state legislature — or will even want to do so — is not known at this time. She is unable to communicate and when she is fully able to comprehend, she will make that determination. It could take several months for her to reach that point, Walkup said.
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