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  Quebec Premier Pauline Marois feels responsible for deadly election-night shooting one year ago
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Last EditedMonsieur  Sep 04, 2013 09:39am
News DateSep 04, 2013 09:00am
DescriptionMONTREAL—One year after a shocking and deadly attack at the election-night party for Quebec Premier Pauline Marois, the Parti Quebecois leader said in a published interview she still feels responsible for those who bore the brunt of the gunman’s wrath.

But Denis Blanchette, who was killed in the shooting, and Dave Courage, who was shot but survived, inadvertently prevented a more deadly carnage and a potential political assassination on the night of Sept. 4, 2012.

“Essentially, they saved my life by acting as a barrier, even if they didn’t know it. But that’s what happened anyway,” she told the Journal de Montreal in an interview published Wednesday.

“If (the gunman) had got into the room and had fired at all those people who were there it would have been carnage.”
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