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  Durbin calls on Republicans to 'change and improve' Obamacare
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Last EditedScott³  Jul 09, 2013 04:17pm
News DateJul 08, 2013 04:00pm
Description"In a surprise move, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is saying it's time to change President Obama's signature achievement: Obamacare.

Deadlines for not one but now two important pieces of Obamacare have been delayed a year. So when Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, was asked if he’s alarmed, he said it’s time to “change and improve” Obamacare.

“What we need to have is a better definition of a full-time worker and how many will be affected by it,” Durbin said. “And the health insurance policy itself, the provisions that are included in it.”

Durbin is calling on Republicans to help change and improve Obamacare but many of them want to repeal it first and start over."
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