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  ‘Growing Number’: CNN Poll – 47% Think White House Ordered IRS Targeting
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Last EditedScott³  Jun 18, 2013 04:45pm
News DateJun 18, 2013 04:00pm
Description"Excerpted from The Hill: A growing number of voters believe the White House was involved in the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Tuesday.

Forty-seven percent in the poll said they believed the White House ordered the targeting, compared to 49 percent who believe the IRS acted on its own. The same poll in May found 55 percent said the IRS acted on its own, against only 37 percent who said the White House was involved.

A partisan split was evident in the findings, with Republicans more likely to think the White House was involved and Democrats more likely to think IRS officials were working on their own.

A majority of those polled — 51 percent — said the issue is “very important” to the nation, while 32 percent said it was “somewhat important.”
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