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  Christie Angers PETA For ‘Saving’ Children From Spider
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Last EditedScott³  May 06, 2013 01:54pm
News DateMay 06, 2013 01:00pm
Description"New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasn’t in a pardoning mood when an itsy, bitsy spider crawled on his desk while the governor spoke to a group of school children.

The students spotted the insect near the governor’s phone on Friday. Speaking softly, Christie gave the spider a smack down.

The governor told the students that another fun part of being governor is you’re allowed to kill any bugs on your desk without getting into trouble.

Christie tweeted that he had “saved a few school children from a spider.”

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals President Ingrid Newkirk issued a statement saying Christie probably did it without thinking. Newkirk said “some people put the spider outside, but spiders are often scary” and that can prevent them from pondering their worth."
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