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  David Mann: Still A Democrat
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Last EditedRBH  Apr 23, 2013 10:57am
News DateApr 22, 2013 01:20pm
DescriptionFormer councilman, mayor and congressman David Mann was not endorsed by the Hamilton County Democratic Party in his bid for election to council. All 15 other times he ran for offices, he was endorsed by the party, but not this time.

“I’m disappointed,” he said today re the lack of an endorsement. “I’m a Democrat. I’ve always been a Democrat.”
Michelle Dillingham

Michelle Dillingham

He was endorsed in the first round of voting, but a second round landed him out. It’s unclear who got his place – Mann said he thought it was Michelle Dillingham, former aide to the late Vice Mayor David Crowley, but others said it was Shawn Butler, an aide to Mayor Mark Mallory.

The party endorsed: incumbents Chris Seelbach, Yvette Simpson, P.G. Sittenfeld, and Laure Quinlivan, plus Pamula Thomas, who just took over last week for her husband, Cecil; plus Dillingham, Butler and Greg Landsman.
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