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  Rothenberg: The Most Vulnerable House Incumbent(s) of 2014 [is Gary Miller]
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedJ.R.  Apr 15, 2013 05:56pm
News DateApr 15, 2013 05:55pm
DescriptionLast week, I discussed the most vulnerable senator seeking re-election. It was a tough call, but clearly came down to two Southern Democrats. This week, the question is who is the House’s most vulnerable incumbent, and the answer is much, much easier.

It’s California Republican Gary G. Miller.

Miller is an eight-term Republican from San Bernardino County, and he isn’t vulnerable because of something he did. Until last year, the real estate developer and former California state assemblyman represented a reliably Republican, Orange County-based district that also included parts of Los Angeles County and San Bernardino County.
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