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  What Do Hate Groups Think of Jennifer Lawrence?
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Contributor411 Name Removed 
Last Edited411 Name Removed  Mar 17, 2013 02:18am
News DateMar 17, 2013 02:00am
DescriptionVICE: What do you guys think of Jennifer Lawrence?
Steve Drain, Westboro Baptist Church: You talking about the Hunger Games woman?

Yeah, that's the one.
You want a statement on Jennifer Lawrence? From the Westboro Baptist Church?

Yes, please.
I don't know enough about her. You know, we focus on things that we see in front of us. I haven't really taken a look at Jennifer Lawrence from a religious perspective or from a how-great-of-an-actress-she-is perspective. But I was taking a tour at NBC when I was in New York, and she was practicing a skit for Saturday Night Live. That's about as much as I know about her.

Oh. So you got to see her in real life?
I think that's who they told me it was. I didn't even really know what she looked like until I started seeing trailers for Silver Linings Playbook.

You didn't see Silver Linings Playbook yet?
I didn't see it yet, I'd like to see it! I've been kinda busy picketing. I saw some of the movies nominated for Best Picture, though. What was the one with Ben Affleck?

Yeah. That was a good flick. I feel good for Ben Affleck because he was kinda on the out, you know what I mean?

Yeah. So you guys are into Ben Affleck?
No, man. You're looking for some kind of a salacious quote to put in your story. All I'm saying is that I thought Argo was a darn good flick.
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