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  Clown swipe upsets Italians
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ContributorNew Jerusalem 
Last EditedNew Jerusalem  Feb 28, 2013 01:23pm
News DateFeb 28, 2013 01:00pm
DescriptionITALY'S President Giorgio Napolitano cancelled a dinner meeting on Wednesday with Peer Steinbruck, Chancellor Angela Merkel's challenger in Germany's coming September elections, after Mr Steinbruck referred to two prominent Italian political figures as ''clowns''.

Mr Steinbruck, the candidate for the Social Democratic Party, made the comments at an event in Potsdam on Tuesday that was part of a nationwide tour for his own campaign, said his spokesman, Michael Donnermeyer.

During the event, Mr Steinbruck described former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi as ''a clown with a special shot of testosterone''. At another point, he extended his remarks to include Beppe Grillo - a former comedian whose Five Star Movement won more votes than any other party in the Italian elections that ended Monday - saying that ''to a certain extent, I am upset that two clowns have won''.

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