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  Give horsemeat-tainted food to poor - German minister
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Feb 23, 2013 06:00pm
News DateFeb 23, 2013 05:00pm
Description"Germany's development minister has suggested that horsemeat mislabelled as beef should be distributed to the poor.

Dirk Niebel said he supported the proposal by a member of the governing CDU party, and concluded: "We can't just throw away good food."

The opposition dismissed the idea, but a priest said it should be considered.

Meanwhile, traces of horse DNA have been found in six tonnes of minced beef and 2,400 packs of lasagne Bolognese seized from a company in Italy.

The products were packaged by Italian group Primia, based near Bologna.

The health ministry said Primia had used meat from another company in Brescia and originally supplied by two other companies, also based there.

It is the first positive test in Italy since the scandal erupted last month.

Earlier on Saturday, the Italian authorities said they had found no traces of horsemeat in beef products seized this week from the Swiss food giant Nestle."
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