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  Tunisian prime minister resigns
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Last EditedPenguin  Feb 20, 2013 12:20am
News DateFeb 20, 2013 12:00am
Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali has announced his resignation at a news conference in Tunis.

"I promised if my initiative did not succeed I would resign as head of the government and this is what I am doing following my meeting with the president," Jebali said at the presidential palace.

"Today there is a great disappointment among the people and we must regain their trust and this resignation is a first step."

An aide had hinted that Jebali might resign earlier on Tuesday, after the ruling Ennahda party rebuffed his plan to form a non-partisan cabinet to steer Tunisia through a crisis sparked by the killing of leftwing politician Shokri Belaid
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