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  Cravaack prepares to leave Minnesota, politics behind
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Last EditedRBH  Dec 21, 2012 02:00pm
News DateDec 21, 2012 01:00pm
Description After unseating Minnesota's longest-serving congressman and interrupting 63 years of DFL dominance on the working-class Iron Range, political newcomer Chip Cravaack is moving on.

The one-term Republican, who stunned the political world when he defeated DFL stalwart Jim Oberstar two years ago, now says he will likely put politics and Minnesota behind him to be reunited with his wife, Traci, and their two young sons, who have moved to New Hampshire.

Having lost a reelection bid to former Congressman Rick Nolan, Cravaack gave his first indication Thursday about his future plans, all but ending speculation about a possible bid for statewide office, perhaps even for governor.
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