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  Claire McCaskill’s Mother Passes Away
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Last EditedDFWDem  Oct 29, 2012 05:36pm
News DateOct 29, 2012 05:35pm
DescriptionBetty Anne Ward McCaskill, 84, the mother of Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) died Monday of natural causes.

Sen. McCaskill announced the news in a statement:

I am very sad to announce today the passing of my mother, Betty Anne McCaskill. For some time, mom's health has not been good, and our family takes comfort that she is now at rest. People all over the state have asked about her, and their prayers and concern have been greatly appreciated. Mom never met a stranger and lived life with enthusiasm that none of us could match. We were incredibly lucky to have a mother like her, a woman of great intellect and strength, who loved and nurtured, challenged and pushed, and was always there with wise counsel and great humor. While we know she's finally at peace, our family and her friends will all miss her so very much. Her death creates a hole in my life that will never be filled.
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