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  Issa: White House pursuing an 'enemies list' in Washington
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Sep 20, 2012 02:26pm
News DateSep 20, 2012 02:00pm
DescriptionRep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Thursday that a team at the White House is pursuing him and others on its “enemies list” in an attempt to quell dissenters in Washington.

“Not since Richard Nixon have we seen a president who puts together an enemies list and has a whole team pursuing it, but that’s what’s happened in this administration,” Issa told "Fox and Friends." “It’s sad; it’s not the America I want to have going forward. I sincerely hope after the election, regardless, the American people will have made a statement that we won’t tolerate this.”

Issa was responding to allegations made by right-wing website The Daily Caller, which reported earlier this week that emails it obtained show the Department of Justice (DOJ) colluding with the liberal advocacy group Media Matters.
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