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  Hatch opponent: ‘Hatch is not a bad guy. But he is an old guy.’
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorThe Sunset Provision 
Last EditedThe Sunset Provision  Sep 17, 2012 07:07pm
News DateSep 17, 2012 07:05pm
DescriptionWe've seen campaigns play the age card before, but a new fundraising email from upstart Utah Democratic Senate candidate Scott Howell may take the cake.

Howell, who's challenging longtime Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch this November, sent a fundraising email to supporters this week that warned voters of "the risk of an 80-year-old man taking office, only to retire or die before his term is through." (Hatch is 78.) "Look, Orrin Hatch is not a bad guy. But he is an old guy, and he's a lifer politician," Howell wrote in the email, which Daily Caller reporter Matt Lewis posted on Twitter.

Reached by phone, Hatch spokesman Matt Harakal said he hadn't seen the email, but remarked that Howell "sounds like a classy guy." Hatch campaign spokeswoman Evelyn Call called the statements "offensive."

"We are shocked at the level to which our opponent has sunk in this campaign and find his statements completely offensive," Call said. "This kind of behavior is what turns people off to election season, and Utah voters do not respond well to these kinds of tactics."
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