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  An Olympic Détente for the 1972 Men’s Basketball Team
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorGreen Pigs 
Last EditedGreen Pigs  Aug 05, 2012 10:00pm
CategoryOp-Ed by Candidate
News DateAug 05, 2012 03:45am
DescriptionIn the chill of the Cold War, the 1972 U.S. basketball team went up against the U.S.S.R.—and was cheated out of a gold medal. Former representative Tom McMillen, who was on the team, offers a peace plan.


We members of the U.S. team have a 40th reunion scheduled for August. I intend to propose a “grand compromise” then. If the members of the Soviet team agree to the awarding of dual gold medals to our team and the IOC approves, the U.S. team will donate our medals, worth a great deal as sports memorabilia, to a Russian charity for orphaned children. With the help of other donors, we could raise millions of dollars to help build a bridge between our nations. This gesture could bring us closer together—and could show that, even in a world increasingly marked by partisan strife, sportsmanship and good will can sometimes trump geopolitics.
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