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  John Edwards not guilty on 1 count; mistrial declared on other 5 counts
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Last EditedCOSDem  May 31, 2012 03:37pm
News DateMay 31, 2012 03:35pm
DescriptionAfter 9 days of deliberation, a jury has found John Edwards not guilty on one of six charges of campaign finance corruption brought against him. A mistrial has been declared on the other five counts.

The former North Carolina senator, two-time presidential candidate and 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee was indicted in a federal court last June on six counts alleging his complicity in a scheme to cover up an extramarital affair and its resulting pregnancy while he was running for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.

The indictment against Edwards charged that nearly $1 million worth of contributions provided by prominent Edwards donors Rachel "Bunny" Mellon and Fred Baron, which went toward helping former Edwards mistress Rielle Hunter and their child, amounted to campaign contributions because they were made with the purpose of protecting Edwards' presidential candidacy.
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