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  House panel votes to ban same-sex marriages on US military bases
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Last EditedRP  May 10, 2012 07:26am
CategoryProposed Legislation
News DateMay 10, 2012 07:00am
DescriptionOn the same day that President Barack Obama declared his support for same-sex marriage, the House Armed Services Committee backed measures prohibiting the practice on U.S. military bases.

Conservative Republicans still angry with the end to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military pressed two measures.

The committee, on a vote of 37-24, backed an amendment that barred same-sex marriages or "marriage-like" ceremonies on military installations. The panel also endorsed an Akin amendment that said the services should accommodate the rights of conscience of members of the services and chaplains who are morally or religiously opposed to expressions of human sexuality.

In an odd exchange, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif., questioned what would happen if a service member literally interpreted the Old Testament's Leviticus, which considers homosexuality an abomination. Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., disputed her contention that was part of the Bible, saying it was the Old Testament.
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