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  Quinn To Walker: "I Know You Are, But What Am I?"
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Apr 18, 2012 01:09pm
News DateApr 18, 2012 12:45pm
DescriptionWisconsin Gov. Scott Walker addressed the Illinois Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday. Showing off the abrasiveness and combativeness that has caused him to become the third governor in American history to face a recall election, Walker devoted most of his speech to attacking the governor of his host state. (Walker likes to brag about his courage, but he seems not to know the difference between “courage” and “picking a fight wherever you go, with everyone you meet.”)

Walker never referred to Pat Quinn by name, referring only to Illinois’s “Democrat leadership.” But he criticized Illinois for raising its income tax from 3 percent to 5 percent, failing to balance its budget, cutting Medicaid payments and reducing the number of state employees. He also chortled about bringing an “Escape To Wisconsin” bumper sticker to Chicago, in an attempt to lure businesses to the other side of the Cheddar Curtain.

Quinn and Walker aren’t very friendly. Quinn held off for months on settling an 2011 NFC Championship game bet that required him to wear a Packers jersey and work in a Wisconsin food pantry, not wanting to visit the state while pro-labor demonstrators were occupying its capitol. Yesterday, Quinn’s office was so cheesed off at Walker it sent Ward Room a complete rebuttal, which we’re publishing below:
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