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  Quinn still unpopular in Illinois, Tribune poll finds
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Last EditedJason  Mar 05, 2012 05:19am
News DateFeb 09, 2012 05:00am
DescriptionDemocratic Gov. Pat Quinn finds his leadership under fire from Illinois voters unhappy with the state's economy, a new Tribune/WGN-TV poll shows.

The survey found 54 percent disapprove of Quinn's job performance, compared with only 30 percent who approve. It was the highest level of Quinn disapproval registered in Tribune polling since August 2009, seven months after he took over from an impeached Rod Blagojevich.

The dim view of Quinn comes a year after the governor and fellow Democrats steered Illinois in a more liberal direction by approving a major income-tax increase, abolishing the death penalty and legalizing civil unions. Despite the tax hike, state government remains mired in debt, limiting Quinn and legislative leaders' ability to move Illinois forward.

The governor, however, has shown great political resiliency. Quinn's approval rating is at its lowest level since early September 2010, when it registered at 28 percent. Weeks later, Quinn ended up narrowly winning the governor's election against conservative Republican state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington.

The poll of 600 registered voters, which has an error margin of 4 percentage points, was conducted Feb. 2-6. The interviews began a day after Quinn delivered an optimistic State of the State speech to lawmakers in Springfield in which he declared that after three years of his leadership, "Illinois is back on course. Illinois is moving forward. And Illinois is a place that we can be proud to claim as our own."
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