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  Col. Martha McSally Says She'd Like To Kick Santorum "In The Jimmy"
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Last EditedRBH  Feb 27, 2012 03:03pm
News DateFeb 17, 2012 03:00pm
DescriptionCol. Martha McSally, a Republican candidate for former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' Arizona congressional seat and the first American woman to fly in combat, said on "Fox and Friends" on Friday that she'd like to kick Rick Santorum "in the Jimmy' after hearing his comments about women serving on the front lines of combat.

"He's totally out of touch. I mean, completely out of touch. These are the types of arguments we heard 20, 25 years ago as to why women couldn't be fighter pilots. It's an insult to the men and women who are serving overseas, putting their lives on the line and focusing on the mission right now."

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