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  Elizabeth Ames Jones Resigns Railroad Commission
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ContributorTX DEM 
Last EditedTX DEM  Feb 13, 2012 05:29pm
News DateFeb 13, 2012 05:00pm
DescriptionTexas Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones resigned this afternoon, after weeks of defending her move to San Antonio to run for a state Senate seat there.

Jones, in a letter to Gov. Rick Perry, said she will give up her statewide position, putting to rest the question of whether she could remain in office without residing in the state capital.

Perry will appoint her replacement. Several candidates are running for the post, since Jones wasn't seeking reelection: Republicans Christi Craddick, Roland Sledge, and state Rep. Warren Chisum of Pampa. Chisum isn't eligible for the appointment, because as a legislator he voted on the state budget that set the pay of the commissioners.
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