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  Wink Turned Fink - No longer Denying [Scott] Walker Knew
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Feb 07, 2012 03:59pm
CategoryBlog Entry
News DateFeb 07, 2012 03:00pm
DescriptionMilwaukee -- Darlene Wink plead guilty this afternoon to two misdemeanor counts of illegal fundraising and political work for former Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker's campaign for governor while being paid by the tax payers. Wink told the Circuit Court "What I was doing was putting together fliers that were for a fundraiser".

Wink provided testimony in order to avoid jail time. Her plea deal comes with the agreement that she will provide information to prosecutors in regard to the ongoing John Doe investigation. Even though Wink will serve no jail time, her sentencing has been delayed for three months, allowing prosecutors to question Wink further. Wink’s lawyer said he wished that the sentencing could have happened sooner than May.
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