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   Arizona: First Democrat Jumps Into Race to Replace Gabrielle Giffords
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Jan 31, 2012 03:58pm
News DateJan 31, 2012 03:00pm
DescriptionArizona state Rep. Matt Heinz (D) is running to replace former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) in the 8th district special election, a spokeswoman confirmed to Roll Call.

“It is with deep respect for Congresswoman Giffords and her work that I humbly submit my candidacy to the people of southern Arizona,” Heinz said in a written statement. “Gabby has come so far in her recovery, and I wish her continued healing. Gabby put southern Arizona before party or ideology and that legacy must be continued.”

Heinz is the first Democrat to officially enter the race. Before today, Democrats had been publicly reluctant to enter the race compared with the Republican field.
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