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  President Hollande?
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ContributorTX DEM 
Last EditedTX DEM  Jan 19, 2012 10:39am
News DateJan 19, 2012 10:00am
DescriptionThe time for change is now.

No, we aren’t talking about President Obama’s 2008 campaign. That is Francois Hollande official slogan in the 2012 French Presidential election which will occur in April and May of this year.

The Socialist Party in France was traditionally socialist, but in the past two decades has move to be more of a social democratic party. The PS has accepted the capitalistic mode of production, but strongly advocates for a strong government which can promote and regulate social justice involving economic and social equality.

A lot of this shift happened while Hollande was one of Mitterrand’s allies in the PS, and more recently issues such as human rights and environmental issues have become key in defining the PS.

These views make a President Hollande an interesting prospect in eurozone negotiations.

The most likely two scenarios are that Hollande either pushes a strong social democratic agenda while ultimately doing anything to save the Euro while the other is that he follows in Sarkozy’s footsteps of largely compromising with Germany and ensuring France remains as economically important during negotiations as possible.
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