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  Back to school: when Bee, Giffords were classmates
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorGreen Pigs 
Last EditedGreen Pigs  Jan 11, 2012 01:17am
News DateOct 23, 2008 01:00am
DescriptionIt was 1985.

New Coke had just been introduced, Nintendo released "Super Mario Brothers," Jim Kolbe was getting settled on Capitol Hill, and Gabrielle Giffords and Tim Bee were wrapping up ninth grade at Emily Gray Junior High School.

Tim, the studious one, was president of the National Junior Honor Society.

Gabby was known for being talkative and social. Her friends even predicted in a "Believe It or Not" section of the school yearbook that she would be a "T.V. spokesperson" by 2005.

The two classmates were more acquaintances than pals. But they had spent almost every school day together since kindergarten — first at Tanque Verde Elementary and then at Emily Gray, two small schools that serve a tight-knit, rural area on the Northeast Side.

Now, the pair of childhood schoolmates who played in band together are matched up in the race for Arizona's 8th Congressional District
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