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  State Sen. Nina Turner drops congressional primary bid against Rep. Marcia Fudge
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Dec 30, 2011 04:21pm
News DateDec 30, 2011 04:20pm
DescriptionState Sen. Nina Turner, a Democrat from Cleveland, announced today that she won't mount a primary battle against incumbent Democratic congress member Marcia Fudge, as she had previously planned.

Turner released a statement that said a new congressional map the state legislature adopted this month was "manipulated to allow incumbent politicians to guarantee their reelection," and that she won't "run as a Democrat in the 11th Congressional District."

She also said that setting the primary election for March 6 would give challengers like her little time to wage competitive campaigns.

"Let me be clear: Our community faces huge challenges, which the present leadership has utterly failed to meet," Turner's statement continued. "The past few months have only convinced me and many Northeast Ohioans of the necessity for change and reform, and so my work will continue. We can and must do better."

It still is possible for Turner to run as an independent in the November election. March 5 is the filing deadline for an independent campaign.

Fudge released a statement that said she has "great respect" for Turner and wishes her well in her future endeavors.
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