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  Okla. State Trooper Cites Clark Motorcade
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Feb 02, 2004 05:32pm
News DateFeb 02, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionPolls show Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark doing well as he fights for Oklahoma's 40 delegates, but the state hasn't been entirely friendly territory for him.

Clark's three-car caravan was headed back from a campaign appearance in McAlester to Oklahoma City shortly after midnight Sunday when it was pulled over by a state trooper.

The trooper cited Clark staffer Reid Cherlin - who was driving the lead vehicle carrying Clark and foreign policy adviser Jamie Rubin - for speeding.

The trooper said he clocked the car at 88 miles per hour in a 75 mile an hour zone. Cherlin said he had set the car's cruise control for 83 miles per hour.

Cherlin and the drivers of the two other cars in the caravan were given $150 speeding tickets.
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