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  Long-time Orland Park [IL] state lawmaker resigns
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Last EditedImperator  Dec 29, 2011 10:12am
News DateDec 29, 2011 10:00am
DescriptionState Rep. Kevin McCarthy of Orland Park says he's resigning from the Illinois House, effective immediately.

The SouthtownStar reports that McCarthy announced his plan to retire in a letter issued by his office this week. The Democrat didn't provide an explanation for his decision.

The 61-year-old legislator had served in the House for 15 years. In the letter, McCarthy says his resignation is the right decision for him and his family.

McCarthy was re-elected to his eighth term in 2010. The Democratic committeemen in McCarthy's district plan to pick someone to serve the remainder of his term, which ends in January 2013.
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