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  Judicial panel deals setback to GOP in [WI] redistricting case
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Dec 08, 2011 06:56pm
News DateDec 08, 2011 09:50am
DescriptionMadison - A consultant and Senate aide who helped draft new maps of legislative districts must give depositions to a group of Democrats suing over the constitutionality of the maps, a court ruled Thursday.

The Democratic group sought this month to depose Joe Handrick, a lobbyist and former lawmaker hired by Republicans as a consultant this year, and Tad Ottman, an aide to Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau). The Legislature asked the court to quash those subpoenas for testimony and documents.

On Thursday, a federal three-judge federal panel said the two must give testimony and turn over documents with as little as five days notice. The panel, writing unanimously, said attorney-client privilege and legislative immunity did not shield either from having to testify.

The ruling is a setback for Republicans defending the maps they approved and signals that other aides will have to provide videotaped testimony as well. The court said if it deems future attempts to quash subpoenas as being made in bad faith, it will award attorney fees to the Democratic group.
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