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  Bush Performance Down to 54%
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Last EditedFreedomDemocrat  Mar 09, 2003 04:38pm
News DateMar 09, 2003 04:38pm
DescriptionPollster John Zogby: "The most interesting thing in both the numbers of those who support the war and President's job performance is that the 'coalition of the willing' essentially includes the Republican coalition-and little more. The President is bolstered by overwhelming support from Republicans, whites, Protestants, married voters, men, and investors. He does pick up support from Catholics -- but mainly those who are active churchgoers - and women. But independents are evenly split on both the war and the president's performance, while all the Democratic constituencies are opposed. In short, the President seems to have squandered almost all of his post-9/11 bounce and, on the eve of a war, finds himself hardly more popular than when he polled near 50% in November 2000 and in late August 2001. On the war issue, the youngest voters and the oldest voters are the ones most opposed. This should spark some keen interest and debate."
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