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  Sex Party says proposed bong ban racist
Parent(s) Party  -
Last EditedJason  Oct 08, 2011 08:22pm
News DateOct 05, 2011 08:00pm
DescriptionA BAN on bongs has been described as racist because it gave special exemptions to Middle Eastern communities for the hookah.

Sex Party president Fiona Patten said the Victorian State Government’s proposed ban banned bongs used by young Caucasians and water pipes used by Chinese.

But the hookah was exempt from the law.

“How can you send Chinese and Caucasian Australians to jail for selling and displaying bongs and then exempt Lebanese and Egyptian Australians from selling and displaying their version of a bong?” Ms Patten said today.

Under the legislation, introduced into State Parliament in August, the display of hookahs will be restricted.
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