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  Biggert-Foster fight for Congress shaping up in 11th
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Sep 26, 2011 04:35pm
CategoryElection Guide
News DateSep 26, 2011 04:35pm
DescriptionIt looks like a beaut of a political fight for Congress is shaping up in the new 11th District in the southwest suburbs. It pits a former House member who lost his job last year against a veteran who does not intend to go quietly into that good night.

Political sources who would know say that U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert, R-Hinsdale, has begun circulating nomination petitions to run in the 11th, which includes portions of Aurora, Joliet and central DuPage County.

Ms. Biggert also is circulating petitions in a different, somewhat friendlier district drafted by Republicans who are challenging the Democrat-drawn map in federal court. But that challenge is considered a long shot — meaning that Ms. Biggert is likely to end up running in the new 11th.
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