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  Stronach poised to take Quebec
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Jan 28, 2004 10:57am
News DateJan 28, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionIn a clear demonstration that money in politics can speak louder than words, Belinda Stronach — who showed last week that she is virtually helpless in French — is poised to carry Quebec in the campaign for the leadership of the new federal Conservative party.

To a man and a woman, Quebec backroom Tories have signed on to her campaign. With what is left of the province's Tory network outside of her campaign, Tony Clement and Stephen Harper might have a hard time organizing a bingo game.

To win Quebec, Stronach's team will not need to conduct membership drives in homeless shelters as Joe Clark and Brian Mulroney once did. Nor will it have to spread out in cemeteries to lift from tombstones the names of people who would turn over in their graves at the thought that they were undergoing a second coming as Conservatives — as happened in a recent Canadian Alliance campaign.

Because there is basically no one left to recruit members en masse for the competition, and no natural market for the party in the province, Stronach's hired guns only need to haul the existing membership to the ballot stations on her behalf in March.

Given their track record, they should be more than up to the task of getting a few hundred people out to vote across the province. Not that this means Stronach can deliver even a tiny part of Quebec to her party in a general election.

No one, least of all those working the province on her behalf, is under any illusion that the Conservatives — under her leadership — would be competitive anywhere in Quebec.
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