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  Senator Nick Xenophon names priest who is claimed to be at the centre of rape allegations
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Sep 17, 2011 03:32am
News DateSep 13, 2011 03:50pm
DescriptionThe independent SA Senator on Tuesday night lobbed a grenade at the Adelaide archdiocese, naming a respected local priest that he claims is at the centre of rape allegations, the Herald Sun reported.

Senator Xenophon said the church only "has itself to blame''.

Naming the priest in the Senate on Tuesday night, he said: "This creates a serious moral dilemma for me. It has put me as a representative of the people of SA in a situation where I have privileged information.

"And the problem with privileged information is that it can be misused to benefit only a select few.

"The question is do the people that attend this priest's parish have a right to know that serious allegations of sexual assault have been levelled at their priest?
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