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I should have picked Hillary over Obama
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Contributor | Scott³ |
Last Edited | Scott³ Aug 11, 2011 10:38am |
Category | Opinion |
News Date | Aug 10, 2011 10:00am |
Description | "I was splashing around in Lake Michigan last week when the realization hit me like a wave — I was wrong about Barack Obama. I should have voted for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary three years ago.
At the time of the primary, the decision seemed easy. I saw in Obama the same qualities Jack Kerouac saw in Dean Moriarty in "On the Road." He was 'something new, long prophesied, long a-coming."
Hillary was not new. She represented the second act of "Billary," and I had tired of that play long before it ended its eight-year run.
So I voted for Obama in the primary and then again in the general election. I even left the election night party at the Pageant — a party with an open bar and filled with state legislators, union guys and other acquaintances — to go to the Chase Park Plaza, where the Obama people were celebrating. I knew almost nobody at that second party, but I was there when the networks declared that Obama was the next president. People cried and hugged. I got teary myself. A black president. The times they are a-changing.
Indeed. They keep getting worse."
"Hillary had been tested. Eight years in the meat grinder. She'd have been a better president." |
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