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  Former Paterson Mayor Barnes Admits Accepting Gifts from Contractors and Tax Evasion
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Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Jan 25, 2004 10:53pm
CategoryPress Release
News DateJul 01, 2002 12:00am
DescriptionNEWARK - Former Paterson mayor Martin G. Barnes pleaded guilty today to mail fraud, and tax evasion, admitting that he took free trips, home improvements, a swimming pool and more from city vendors or prospective vendors, U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Christie announced.

Barnes, 54, admitted that he accepted those things of value from city vendors and concealed his receipt of those valuables in official financial disclosure forms mailed to the State of New Jersey. Barnes also admitted that he failed to disclose the same information to the Internal Revenue Service.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Perry A. Carbone told U.S. District Judge William G. Bassler that, had the case gone to trial, the government would have proved that the value of the unreported goods received by Barnes was worth approximately $200,000.
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