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  Jane Corwin campaign officially cancels hearing on vote counting
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  May 26, 2011 02:23pm
News DateMay 26, 2011 02:00pm
DescriptionJane L. Corwin's unsuccessful congressional campaign came to an official end at noon today as State Supreme Court Justice Russell P. Buscaglia signed her attorney's order officially canceling a hearing that had been scheduled for Thursday on vote-counting issues in the hotly contested 26th District race.

Dennis C. Vacco, Corwin's campaign attorney, assured the judge he will notify attorneys for Congresswoman-elect Kathleen C. Hochul and all others linked to the court fight by 2 p.m. that Thursday's "hearing is now moot."

Vacco told the judge the election law court challenge had been "predicated on pre-election polls hinting at "a very close outcome." The action was action designed to ensure that all votes cast were fairly counted in the seven-county district.

Vacco said he was glad he had not sought a court order Tuesday morning impounding all voting equipment, given that the pre-election polls were "inaccurate" and thousands of dollars of taxpayer funds would have been needlessly spent securing the impounded equipment.
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