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ContributorWilliam McKinley 
Last EditedWilliam McKinley  Jan 21, 2004 03:15pm
News DateJan 21, 2004 12:00am
DescriptionThis is a blog entry from NRO's The Corner, containing an email from American Research Group (the pollsters).

"It is becoming clear that Dean's speech in Iowa is a very effective self-inflicted easy argument for likely Democratic primary voters not to vote for Dean both in New Hampshire and elsewhere.

In reviewing the tracking from last night, Dean's favorable rating is down dramatically (39% favorable, 30% unfavorable, 31% undecided last night compared to 57% favorable, 19% unfavorable, 24% undecided for the 3 nights ending Jan 19), which is the first step that voters take in moving away from a candidate. And as I have completed on-air drive-time interviews this morning on radio stations in South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and California, every radio station has played, some more creatively than others, parts of Dean's speech in Iowa either while I was waiting to go on the air or during the interview.

Voter interest in tomorrow's debate is high enough for Dean to bounce back with a great performance, but this is beginning to look like a major problem for Dean in New Hampshire."
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