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  Tighter Belt for Christie, With Diet and Exercise
Parent(s) Candidate  -
ContributorMr. Matt 
Last EditedMr. Matt  Feb 21, 2011 05:07pm
News DateFeb 20, 2011 05:05pm
DescriptionTRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has cut more than the state budget in his first year in office: he has also dropped a few notches in his belt.

He will not say exactly how much he has lost, but his suits have been getting noticeably baggy. “I’m not going to put any numbers on it because you just set yourself up for failure,” he said.

Mr. Christie, 48, said he had been working with a trainer three mornings a week — Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays — and eating better. He started working with a trainer in June 2009, but for the past year he has been more consistent, he said.
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