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  Illinois governor fires back at Christie: We don't need advice from some guy from Jersey
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Last EditedScott³  Jan 28, 2011 04:24pm
News DateJan 26, 2011 04:00pm
Description"Desperate states try desperate measures, so the governors of Illinois and New Jersey are feuding over whose battered economy deserves more jobs.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, whose hard-pressed state just increased its income and business taxes, is irate about ads placed by New Jersey promoting Gov. Chris Christie and seeking to lure jobs from the Land of Lincoln.

"Had enough of outrageous tax increases?" says an ad placed in the State Journal-Register of Springfield, Ill. In it, Christie urges businesses to relocate to New Jersey, stating his commitment to "fiscal responsibility and lower taxes."

But Quinn said Christie has no reason to brag. In a televised press conference, chronicled New Jersey's budget and jobs woes.

"New Jersey's way of balancing the budget is not to pay their pension payment, not to deliver on property tax relief that was promised, to fire teachers, to take an infrastructure project – building a tunnel that had already been started – and end it and have to pay money back to the federal government," Quinn said.
An excerpt from Quinn's press conference is available on the Huffington Post.

Although they are pillars of the American economy, Illinois and New Jersey are suffering many of the same problems. During the Great Recession, a number of studies rated Illinois among the most distressed states because of its high unemployment and budget deficits."

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