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  Gov. Christie's approval slips in New Jersey
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Dec 21, 2010 09:34am
News DateDec 21, 2010 09:00am
DescriptionNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) enjoyed widespread popularity during his first year in office, but a poll released Tuesday shows that his approval rating is beginning to slip.

Voters in the Garden State split over Christie's performance, with 46 percent giving him a positive approval rating and 44 percent giving a negative rating. Forty-seven percent approve of his governing style opposed to 48 percent who disapprove, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.

In a Quinnipiac poll released Nov. 9, Christie's job approval stood at 51-38 percent.

Elected in 2009 on a reform agenda, Christie has vaulted into national political stardom in part through blunt, off-the-cuff speeches that have become online hits. New Jersey's governor was featured prominently in a "60 Minutes" story Sunday night on measures state governments have taken to reduce budget deficits. Christie has battled public service unions since taking office.
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