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  Clay Chastain Announces New KC Mayor Bid
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Last EditedRBH  Nov 28, 2010 02:56pm
News DateNov 28, 2010 02:00pm
DescriptionFormer Kansas City mayoral candidate Clay Chastain said he plans to run for mayor again next year, even though he no longer lives in the Kansas City metro area.

Chastain issued a news release on Sunday to say his decision was driven by petition signers who have asked him to come back and help improve the city's image and morale.

He said he would run as a write-in candidate in the election next spring.

"Voters will elect me with the understanding they will support a subsequent election to amend the absurd residency requirements of the City Charter so that candidates for mayor or City Council need only be 25 years of age, a U.S. citizen and a resident of Kansas City, Mo., upon taking office," Chastain said.

He said if he wins the election, he will move back to Kansas City from his current home in Virginia
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