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  Jean Quan takes Oakland lead from Don Perata
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorHikikomori Blitzkrieg! 
Last EditedHikikomori Blitzkrieg!  Nov 06, 2010 05:48am
News DateNov 06, 2010 02:00pm
DescriptionIn an abrupt and stunning turnaround in the race for Oakland mayor, Councilwoman Jean Quan vaulted into the lead - ahead of former state Sen. Don Perata who, until Friday, held a comfortable advantage and had been expected to win, unofficial election results showed.

The latest tally of votes put Quan on top with 51 percent compared with Perata's 48.9 percent in a race that tested Oakland's first election using ranked-choice voting.

Quan was helped immensely when third-place candidate Rebecca Kaplan was eliminated and her votes distributed to the two remaining candidates. Quan received 75 percent of those votes.
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