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  Viktor Chernomyrdin Dies at 72
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Last EditedRalphie  Nov 03, 2010 03:21pm
News DateNov 03, 2010 03:20pm
DescriptionViktor Chernomyrdin, who founded the world's biggest gas company and helped steer Russia through the chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, died Wednesday at at age 72.

The longest serving prime minister in post-Soviet Russia, Chernomyrdin played a decisive role in supporting former President Boris Yeltsin during some of the darkest moments of the 1990s, negotiating with Chechen rebels and even holding the reins of power while Yeltsin underwent heart surgery in 1996.

President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed their condolences to Chernomyrdin's family and friends. The Kremlin said he died during the early hours Wednesday but did not give the cause of death.
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