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  Blanche Lincoln: Blame Bill Halter
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Last EditedJason  Oct 26, 2010 10:46pm
News DateOct 26, 2010 10:00pm
DescriptionBeleaguered Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln says she would be in a dead heat with Republican Rep. John Boozman if it were not for the draining Democratic primary challenge she fought off this spring.

Speaking to Arkansas Public Radio in Little Rock on Monday, the chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee appeared to blame Lt. Gov. Bill Halter and the swarm of outside groups that backed his insurgent bid for her current perilous political position.

FM-89 reporter Kelly MacNeil asked Lincoln whether she thought she would be even with Boozman now if “it weren’t for that tough primary.” Lincoln replied, “Yeah, oh yeah ... I believe I would.”

“When somebody spends $21 million of negative advertising against you, you’ve got to spend an awful lot of time and energy winning back people’s approval and people’s trust,” Lincoln said.
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